HipLatina.com – The Best is Yet To Come!

Hola Fashionistas! Today I’m sharing some wonderful news with you all.  A couple of weeks ago, I was asked if I would be interested in contributing to a new up-and-coming site, HipLatina.com. Initially, I was a bit hesitant, but as always, my  husband and #1 fan, encouraged me to take this opportunity. He immediately said, “Yes, you have to do it.”  After some thought, I decided to go for it and am quite excited. I’ll be contributing about Fashion, as well as reviewing products. As most of you know, I’m Latina and I grew up in both the Bronx, New […] Read more »

Sunday’s Best

What a wonderful Sunday it has been.  Had a restful evening, and was up bright and early to get ready for church. Church service, as always, was absolutely amazing today.  They had a group of young adults from Teen Challenge perform, and give their testimonies.  Thank goodness I had my handkerchief  with me.  I cried from start to finish and had to share it with my dear husband.  I don’t think there was a dry face in church today.  For those of you that don’t know what Teen Challenge is about (I didn’t) just click on the link and it […] Read more »