Red Lips and Jeans

Hola Fashionistas.

Hoping everyone is safe and healthy. I’m finally feeling so much better from my allergies and allergy induce asthma. Thank God!

It was a rough few weeks. Imagine feeling under the weather, now. Everyone gives you the look, if you sneeze or cough around them. No fun at all! Oh, not to mention the paranoia that sets in, thinking you have it as well. #Lordhelpme

I had no energy to even attempt to get dressed. So I wore pjs the entire time. A hot shower and getting dressed made a world of a difference.

I promised myself that when I was over this, I would remember to be grateful for a healthy day on purpose. So I’ve been thanking God for all the simple things. Like being able to breathe through my nose.

I hope all of you are staying warm. I mean, temperatures are dropping everywhere. Places that normally don’t see snow are now having snow days. #thankyouGodforanotherday

I’m just glad to be out of bed and feeling motivated to get dressed and wear lipstick again.  By the way, how fabulous is this color? It’s by NARS – Starwoman. Bright red and long lasting.

Bellas, don’t forget to layer up, stay warm and please take your vitamin D. We’re all still dealing with this, so let’s remind ourselves to take care of each other. Every little way counts.

Much love and many blessings,



4 Responses to “Red Lips and Jeans”

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  1. Pennie Williams says:

    You look amazing! May i ask what brand are your glasses and where did you get your phone case?
    I absolutely love your sense of style!

    • Fashionistaover40 says:

      Hello, thank you so much. My phone case is by Sonix and glasses are from NihaoOptical. 🙂

  2. Monica says:

    I’ve been following you for a while and I just discovered your blog!
    Love it…..
    I have the same sinus issues….. I know exactly what you mean…
    I’m glad you feel better!

    • Fashionistaover40 says:

      Thank you so very much. These allergies are driving me insane. Hopefully you are feeling better.