Every year I know many of us sit down and begin putting together an endless list of New Year’s resolutions, claiming we’re going to follow through for that new year. I know I have! Only to find myself ignoring every single item I wrote on the list. This past year, I skipped writing out my resolutions, and just did my best to commit to three important areas of my life. Taking it one day at a time and believing. I began with working out. Ugh, who likes to work out?! I rather go to the dentist (which I totally hate) than […] Read more »
Last Minute New Year’s Eve Outfit Ideas

Hola Fashionistas! New Year’s Eve is fast approaching and I know many of us are looking for that perfect New Year’s Eve outfit. After all, it is a time when we want to look our best, welcoming in the wonderful new year. If I’ve learned anything since living in MN, it’s that nothing keeps us Fashionistas from looking great and wearing exactly what we want, when we want to; even the minus degree temperatures. Just grab a nice, warm coat that compliments your outfit, and you are ready for a night of celebration. Today I’ll share with you a few […] Read more »
For the love of Camo!

Target – Mossimo Men’s Belted Shorts Yes, I know it’s winter right now, but guess what? It’s going to warm up in a couple of months, or better yet, you may be going some place nice and warm to break up this insane winter cold. Soooo…I thought I would share these great Camo pants on sale for $6.98. Yup, that’s right. Yes, they are men’s shorts, but who said you can’t wear these with some chic high heels and not look fabulous. I just purchase mine and I’ll be wearing them very soon!! Target – Crash Men Jogger Shorts Another great […] Read more »