Summer Breeze by fashionistaover40 featuring leather shoes Racerback Levi’s levi shorts$145 – Sam Edelman leather Sam Edelman suede J Crew hand Cuff Straw Read more »
Simply Fabulous

That’s pretty much all I have to say about these gorgeous shoes! The elastic on the back did call for band aids, but beauty sometimes equals pain. Right?! I hope once I break them in, they’ll be the perfect shoe. In the meantime, I’m just going to continue admiring these beauties. Blessings. FashionistaOver40 ASOS Simone Heels Read more »
Striped Trousers On the Go

Forever21 – Striped Linen-Blend Culottes Hola Fashionistas! Happy Monday, hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. We had great weather in the mid-west, and I took full advantage. It was a wonderfully, relaxed one, and I even found time today, to begin reading a recent Amazon purchase, Bodega Dreams. As you can see, last Friday, I finally chopped my hair off for the summer, and I couldn’t be happier! There’s nothing better than a cute pixie cut, for these hot days. Takes me 5 minutes to style, and I love that. After my haircut, we walked to find a place to eat, […] Read more »